Behavioral Sleep Medicine Group
About the Group | Members | Resources | Contact

History of the Group:

The group has been in existence (believe it or not continuously) since 1996 -- over 20 years! The original list serve was unaffiliated with any organization (AASM, SRS, ESRS, etc.) and was originally established by Dr. Michael Perlis at the University of Rochester. In 2009, the list was migrated to a Google Groups format and the editing continued to be edited, loosely, by Dr. Perlis (at the University of Pennsylvania) Dr. Michael Grandner (then also at Penn) took over technical and creative editing duties. Today, the list is still edited by Dr. Perlis and Dr. Grandner (who is now at the University of Arizona).

To Receive Emails

Simply join the group. Once your email address is in our database, you will automatically receive updates.

To Access Members-Only Features

You will need to get access to the Google Groups site. Your username will be the email address you used to join the group. You may need to create a password to get access to the site. All members of the list have access to the Google site -- if you have any problems, you may still need to create an account with your username (email address) and password. Contact us if you are having problems.

While access to this website is available for everyone, certain features are for members only. To access these features you need to create an account in Google Groups.

The Google Groups Site contains all of the features listed here, as well as some others.

Member Directory

See a list of the profiles of all current members.

Post Archive

Browse through an archive of posts to the list, sorted by discussion topic.



© 1996-2020 Behavioral Sleep Medicine Group